Communication: the innovation of Universal Design

Applying the principles of Universal Design to Communication and Information – which, as it’s accessible, must be designed for everyone – means cutting across language barriers to reach new forms of universal communication.

Universal communication is the theme of the future which, thanks to technology, will bring guests even closer and will be able to respond to different needs and experiences.

Luciano Benetton*
Co-founder Benetton Group
Magnus Berglung
Scandic’s Accessibility Ambassador
Roberto Vitali
President of Village for All

Introduction, moderation and conclusions
Carlo Infante
Freelance professor of Performing Media
President and managing director di Urban Experience

* pending confirmation

This slot arose from the scientific collaboration between BTO and the Committee for Accessible Tourism of the Ministry for Heritage, Cultural Activities and Tourism in 2014 on the topic “Sustainability Destinations”.

All the events of December 2nd [Day One]