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Gianluca Diegoli: can you do without OTAs?

After missing the 2013 edition, Gianluca Diegoli [minimarketing] is back at BTO, joined by Camilla Formisano with “storytelling on blogs and social media: is it really needed?” A practical formula for understanding whether or not disintermediation is worthwhile. Deciding on an online sales strategy, analyzed agnostically, by means of a number of parameters that can.. Read more »


Miriam Bertoli: content makes the world go round

Miriam – our great friend and a speaker who is very much appreciated by the BTO public – has the honour of inaugurating, on the afternoon of Day ONE, #1 Focus Hall [TripAdvisor] with a Toolbox dedicated to the importance of content. Content makes the world go round: words, images, video, sounds and stories to.. Read more »


Say, Do, Kiss…

By Marina Bompieri. Cooking to preserve the identity of the area. What do people like and why? An experience of success that can be replicated elsewhere, with the right approach and a few tricks. For three years, Marina has held cookery courses for American tourists on Lake Garda, but she does not do the cooking.. Read more »


Easy Revenue for small hotels

Luciano Scauri at BTO in 2014. How to achieve strategic directions from the available data, how to collect and organize them at a reasonable cost. The fundamentals of Revenue Management are here exposed in a simple, clear and effective way, to be applied immediately without committing to investments in technology.Read more »


OTAs and online restaurant booking: the great feast

OTAs and Metasearches move casually from hotel hospitality to the forefront of the restaurant world. A succession of Digital Food, from sustainable food at Expo 2015, to online table booking systems and Delivery Food. Participants: TripAdvisor, Priceline, Groupon, Google and the emerging player, Uber.Read more »


The golden rules of disintermediation, to maximise visibility on otas

How to find the right balance between direct bookings and OTAs. This BASIC Toolbox is divided into two parts: The evolution of distribution: knowing how to analyze in order to grasp the opportunities – Discover the right balance between direct sales and those traded on the basis of your business – How the distribution landscape.. Read more »