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Retargeting? Is the window of opportunity about to close?

What is Retargeting, on what digital platforms can it be activated, the advantages and disadvantages of its use for a hotel or a hotel chain. Operational aspects: activating a retargeting campaign and defining a creative message that produces value – not noise – for the user. From Retargeting to Prospecting: how to set up an.. Read more »


Alessandra Farabegoli: write something for me that I want to read

Email Marketing human to human. The author of “Sopravvivere alle informazioni su Internet – rimedi all’information overload” (“Surviving the information on the Internet – information overload remedies”, “Email Marketing con MailChimp”, (“Email Marketing with MailChimp”), the first manual in Italian on one of the most popular mailing services, and “Email marketing in pratica” (“Email Marketing.. Read more »

Google Analytics: everything you need to know to monitor the results of your web marketing and hospitality strategy

What are the most profitable online channels for me? How much is my website earning? How can I keep an eye on the revenue from my campaigns? All this, and much more besides. A little theory and plenty of practise. Installation, configuration and optimization of Google Analytics to track and monitor the results of web.. Read more »


Gianluca Diegoli: can you do without OTAs?

After missing the 2013 edition, Gianluca Diegoli [minimarketing] is back at BTO, joined by Camilla Formisano with “storytelling on blogs and social media: is it really needed?” A practical formula for understanding whether or not disintermediation is worthwhile. Deciding on an online sales strategy, analyzed agnostically, by means of a number of parameters that can.. Read more »


Miriam Bertoli: content makes the world go round

Miriam – our great friend and a speaker who is very much appreciated by the BTO public – has the honour of inaugurating, on the afternoon of Day ONE, #1 Focus Hall [TripAdvisor] with a Toolbox dedicated to the importance of content. Content makes the world go round: words, images, video, sounds and stories to.. Read more »


Search Reevolution by Giorgio Tave [I]

Search Reevolution, the special edition for BTO 2014, with Giorgio Tave and Cosmano Lombardo: two consecutive slots of 1 hour and 50 minutes in total. This is the first of the two. The revolution, made by Google. Google has made a major breakthrough in the world of marketing. Understanding the extent of the changes resulting.. Read more »


Search Reevolution by Giorgio Tave [II]

Search Reevolution, the special edition for BTO 2014, with Giorgio Tave and Cosmano Lombardo: two consecutive slots of 1 hour and 50 minutes in total. This is the second of the two. The revolution, made by Google. Google has made a major breakthrough in the world of marketing. Understanding the extent of the changes resulting.. Read more »

Twitter e Facebook, ADV Travel

By Rocco Rossitto & Paolo Ratto Does it make sense in Italy for a tour operator to spend money on Facebook [and now Twitter] to reach its (potential) customers? How, when and why is it useful to market your content on Facebook, and what return can you expect (and subsequently calculate!) from an advertising campaign.. Read more »


Easy Revenue for small hotels

Luciano Scauri at BTO in 2014. How to achieve strategic directions from the available data, how to collect and organize them at a reasonable cost. The fundamentals of Revenue Management are here exposed in a simple, clear and effective way, to be applied immediately without committing to investments in technology.Read more »


Innovation and people, the Bookassist formula

Alberto Recanatesi, Operation Manager Bookassist, opens the keynote focusing on Bookassist’s 360° strategy: Digital Marketing, Web Design, Booking Engine and Distribution that put their basis on innovation: a ‘must’ for a company that operates in the online travel market. Fiamma Franceschilli, Senior Account Manager, will follow emphasizing the importance of the human resources, the key.. Read more »



The many hazards encountered by hoteliers, from protecting their hotel name to dealing with the increasing costs of visibility on social media, meta search engines, OTAs and search engines. How can we operate properly without falling foul of judgement errors, what should we ask web agencies and how can we measure results? The web agency/hotelier,.. Read more »


Short Stories [I]

This slot, the first of two consecutive slots totalling 1 hour and 50 minutes, hosts four stories from four different territories and discusses them: – A project sponsored by the Tourism Governance of a municipality – A project set up from the “ground”; which brings a region’s operators together into a business network, where they.. Read more »

In Italian

Short Stories [II]

This slot, the second of two consecutive slots totalling 1 hour and 50 minutes, hosts four stories from four different territories and discusses them: – A project sponsored by the Tourism Governance of a municipality – A project carried out by un Association – A project in the StartUp phase – A private project of.. Read more »

In Italian

The golden rules of disintermediation, to maximise visibility on otas

How to find the right balance between direct bookings and OTAs. This BASIC Toolbox is divided into two parts: The evolution of distribution: knowing how to analyze in order to grasp the opportunities – Discover the right balance between direct sales and those traded on the basis of your business – How the distribution landscape.. Read more »